Sunday 19 July 2009

Vienna Boys in a TV ad

I think this is a really good advert that the Vienna Boys Choir did for UEFA 2008 that was in Vienna. They are singing the beginning movement from Carmina Burana with drum beats provided by footballs. It shows you don't have to be serious the whole time. Enjoy

Saturday 11 July 2009


The Choir Formation Plovdiv dates from 1999. It is a boys choir and also has the name (in English strangely) of Little Boys Choir Plovdiv. The have an active concert life in and around Plovdiv and also make recordings. They also join up with a music school choir and the academy for Music Dance and Arts.

They also have tours to places like Slovakia, Germany, Greece and Italy. Here they are in Rome and at St. Peter's in the Vatican.

Monday 6 July 2009

This Month's Prize.....

.....for the nastiest choir uniform goes to The Australian Boys' Choir. I ask you, who designed those weird robes and white pointy collar things? Maybe they were sold off after a bad sci-fi movie in the 1970s. They could be the envoys of the dastardly ruler from the planet Spadone.

The Australian Boys' Choir is quite an old choir, founded in 1939 and is open to all boys with unbroken voices. I like this - you can sing as long as you have the soprano voice to do it. Looking at those pictures you can tell there are boys well in their teens. Keep up the good work Australian Boys' Choir. My only advice - get a new costume designer.

In the 1960s & 70s it wasn't much better either

I think they were trying to impress Maid Marion with this costume but were cut off at the pass by Friar Tuck who had run down the up escalator!

It's only when you go back to the 1950s and 1940s that they actually look normal

Sunday 5 July 2009

La Cage aux Rossignols

Since I posted a Youtube clip of Les Choristes I thought I had better do one of La Cage aux Rossignols too. Remember it is from 1944 so the singing style is pretty different. The choir is Petits Chanteurs à la Croix de Bois and you can find some postings about them somewhere else in my blog.