Monday 6 July 2009

This Month's Prize.....

.....for the nastiest choir uniform goes to The Australian Boys' Choir. I ask you, who designed those weird robes and white pointy collar things? Maybe they were sold off after a bad sci-fi movie in the 1970s. They could be the envoys of the dastardly ruler from the planet Spadone.

The Australian Boys' Choir is quite an old choir, founded in 1939 and is open to all boys with unbroken voices. I like this - you can sing as long as you have the soprano voice to do it. Looking at those pictures you can tell there are boys well in their teens. Keep up the good work Australian Boys' Choir. My only advice - get a new costume designer.

In the 1960s & 70s it wasn't much better either

I think they were trying to impress Maid Marion with this costume but were cut off at the pass by Friar Tuck who had run down the up escalator!

It's only when you go back to the 1950s and 1940s that they actually look normal


  1. Great blog. It's always good to find someone else who shares my interest in the music of boy choirs and boy singers. My friends think I'm nuts but since I discovered this type of music I've become fascinated by the beauty of it all. So much so that I too started a blog about it. if you feel like looking at it.

    Those robes at the top do look like something from an old Startrek show.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. I have to agree with you the later outfits are fairly diabolical. Of the other two I think the first outfit looks the best but a lot like an old style British boarding school uniform of course. Did you ever have to dress like that for a choir yourself?
