Saturday 17 October 2009

St. Petersburg Boys Choir

The St. Petersburg Boys' Choir (Хор мальчиков Санкт-Петербурга) was founded in 1992. St. Petersburg is an ancient Russian city on the Baltic which was called Leningrad between 1924 and 1991. Before that it was called Petrograd and before that St. Petersburg!

Over ten years the choir grew into a huge outfit which became a music school teaching 400 boys. Teaching starts at the age of four and by age ten you can join the Chorus and there you stay until your voice breaks, whatever age, at which point you get more voice training to join the ranks of tenor or bass.

I always talk about the choir uniform so here goes. They wear a short black jacket and a very wide collared white shirt. The shirt also has huge cuffs.

The Soprano boys wear the wide collared shirts and the Tenors and Basses wear the Suits and Ties.

The choir is constantly busy, performing in over 80 concerts a year

The school makes learning music and music theory fun. Musical instruments can also be learned

The choir has recorded 5 Compact Discs and regularly appears on television

They tour a lot, having visited Holland, Switzerland and France and they give concerts in the major cities of Germany every year.

On top of all that they even get time for fun and free time as part of a great group

Who ever heard of a choir singing in a swimming pool? I bet the acoustics are fab!

I still think the boys' choirs outside Britain have got it right. You sing soprano until your voice changes and you don't get moved on at the age of 13. You can tell one or two of the boys in this choir are still singing soprano way beyond 13. Good on them - keep it up.

Oh yeah... I don't know what the young Pavarotti lookalike did but the expressions of some of the faces of the front row tell me it wasn't that nice!